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Terms and Conditions of Service

Terms of Service is an agreement between NetworksIP Solutions, Inc. and any customer or visitor who desires to purchase Web services as outlined in this Web site. If you disagree in any part of the Terms of Service, you may not purchase our Web services.

If you do not agree to the Terms of Service and you proceed to purchase Web Hosting services, you release all ownership to published content, you release NetworksIP Solutions, Inc. from liability in any situation, you release NetworksIP Solutions, Inc. from any responsibility to the purchase of Web Hosting services, whether technical, physical, financial or otherwise.

Terms and Conditions

For new accounts 50% of the invoice value must be paid prior to commencement of work, with the remaining balance payable 30 days after the initial invoice date. Any other fees coming due during the course of the project will be billed to the client in a 30-day cycle.

Payment may be done by check, Major Credit Card, or cash, allowing 7-10 days to clear in the case of checks.

All checks must be made payable to NetworksIP Solutions, Inc.

If a customer fails to pay for their service their web site links will be broken and made inaccessible until all payments due and all late fees have been paid. If a customer fails to pay three months after the due date, their web site will be removed from the server.

A Web site will only be released and posted to the Internet by NetworksIP Solutions, Inc. when the customer approves that all work and services were performed in a satisfactory way and confirms this in writing.

Errors in web page information will occur. At no time NetworksIP Solutions, Inc. will be responsible for accidentally including erroneous information. This information errors will be corrected by NetworksIP Solutions, Inc. whenever detected and/or informed of it.

If a customer discovers an error on their site, NetworksIP Solutions, Inc. will immediately correct the error as soon as we are notified. No charge will be assessed for correcting errors.

NetworksIP Solutions, Inc. cannot be held liable for loss or damage caused as a result of third party action or failure.

NetworksIP Solutions, Inc. reserves the right to insert a link button that returns to at the bottom of all web pages developed and designed by NetworksIP Solutions, Inc. This link will not affect overall performance of the hosted site.

Users are solely responsible for everything in their Web site and NetworksIP Solutions, Inc. does not verify, endorse, or take responsibility for the contents of your web page. Therefore, we are not responsible for any claims and expenses that may arise from illegal activity that we are unaware of, nor do we claim liability for the contents of your site.

No refunds will be provided, however, NetworksIP Solutions, Inc. will do everything within our reach to develop a web site acceptable to the client.

If the customers provides graphic content or demand options beyond the scope of the abilities of our service, Customer Satisfaction is not guaranteed

When you supply graphics or text to us through the mail, NetworksIP Solutions, Inc. is not responsible for their loss. It is your responsibility to keep your own copies of these items in case of accidental loss.

Web sites do not look the same on all computers. Colors, text size, etc. can look very different with different browsers and different platforms. Although we do our best to provide cross browser and cross platform compatibility, we cannot guarantee that your site will look well on all browsers or on your computer.

NetworksIP Solutions, Inc. will not begin working on your site until your payment has been received and cleared. Your site will not be published to the web until your full payment has been received and cleared.

The estimated time of completion for your web site is not guaranteed.

If we receive a check from you and is returned to us for Non Sufficient Funds, the construction of your web site will stop until the payment and a $25.00 NSF charge, has been sent to us. We will resume the development of your Web site once payment is received and cleared.

NetworksIP Solutions, Inc. reserves the right to change, update and append this agreement as necessary without notice.

NetworksIP Solutions, Inc. is not responsible for the delivery or quality of any goods or services sold or advertised through or on NetworksIP Solutions, Inc. customer's web documents(s). This agreement gives NetworksIP Solutions, Inc. the right to arrange, shape, design, and implement the owners domain, web documents, including HTML, Java, Java script, perle, c, c+, c++, web robots, and any other coding languages or programs used in a reasonable manner consistent with the owners employed desires.

NetworksIP Solutions, Inc. disclaims ownership of all photos, logos, pages, documents, text, and other media provided by the customer to NetworksIP Solutions, Inc. for use in a customers web document(s). Photos and content submitted to NetworksIP Solutions, Inc. are not guaranteed returnable unless prior arrangements are made. Customer takes full responsibility for any and all content suggested or supplied to NetworksIP Solutions, Inc. for inclusion on web document(s), advertisement(s) or any form of media. NetworksIP Solutions, Inc. customers are held legally liable for the content of their web document(s) and all other customer requested media. This includes reviewing web documents content and abiding by all customers’ local, state, national, and international laws. Any personal profile information that a customer submits to NetworksIP Solutions, Inc. remains customer property, but by submitting that information to NetworksIP Solutions, Inc. customer grants NetworksIP Solutions, Inc. the right to use that information in customers best interest and when required for customers web site promotion and maintenance. In addition, NetworksIP Solutions, Inc. reserves the right to release current or past customer information in the event NetworksIP Solutions, Inc. believes that the customer is being or has been in violation of these Terms of Service or has committed unlawful acts. All NetworksIP Solutions, Inc. designed electronic code, codes, coding, programs, programming, graphics, designs and other means used in the design, creation, and implementation of a customer web document, including but not limited to HTML, Java, Java script, perle, c, c+, c++, web robots, j-peg, gif, tiff, and or other coding languages and scripts shall remain the sole property of NetworksIP Solutions, Inc., unless otherwise stated on an original NetworksIP Solutions, Inc. license or permit.

NetworksIP Solutions, Inc. has no obligation to review web document, message-board postings, or chat room statements in any way before those materials appear on NetworksIP Solutions, Inc. service. Although NetworksIP Solutions, Inc. does actively monitor its web sites for quality, NetworksIP Solutions, Inc. does not monitor all content. We reserve the right to monitor, and to investigate any complaints regarding any content on NetworksIP Solutions, Inc. web documents, message-board postings, advertisements, or any chat room statements and to take appropriate action if NetworksIP Solutions, Inc. finds violations of these Terms of Service. In the case of any such complaint, NetworksIP Solutions, Inc. reserves the right to remove the content complained of while the NetworksIP Solutions, Inc. customer and the complaining party attempt to resolve their dispute. This could result in your web document(s) being removed from NetworksIP Solutions, Inc. service for as long as it takes to resolve the dispute. For the purpose of web document construction, display, advertising and promotion you grant to NetworksIP Solutions, Inc. and its affiliates a royalty-free, perpetual, irrevocable, nonexclusive, worldwide, unrestricted license to use, copy, modify, transmit, distribute, and publicly perform or display the submitted or requested content for design and advertising purposes by means of any and all media; and you agree to indemnify and hold NetworksIP Solutions, Inc. harmless from any loss, liability, claim, damage, and expense (including reasonable attorney(s) fees) arising from or related to the content, use, service interruption, web document inaccessibility, or deletion of a customers web documents or use of any other NetworksIP Solutions, Inc. feature or service.

In the event customer web documents are held legally liable for any cause customer agrees to, in no way shape or form whatsoever, hold NetworksIP Solutions, Inc. liable in for any damages or other liabilities. This is to say that NetworksIP Solutions, Inc. will not be held liable under any circumstances for any type loss including, profit loss, damages, fees, or acts of god that may result in any type of loss to a NetworksIP Solutions, Inc. customer or customers associated business, organization, or entity. NetworksIP Solutions, Inc. assumes no liability for disruptions of any NetworksIP Solutions, Inc. service, including but not limited to, vandalism, theft, phone service outages, Internet disruptions, loss of data, extreme or severe weather conditions or any other causes in the nature of "ACTS OF G-D" or force or nature. NetworksIP Solutions, Inc. shall not be responsible for consequential damages or punitive or exemplary damages under any circumstances. This is to say that in no case shall a customer be entitled to recover damages from NetworksIP Solutions, Inc. In no event will NetworksIP Solutions, Inc. be liable for any damages, including, without limitation, direct, indirect, incidental, special, consequential, or punitive damages arising out of the use of or inability to use NetworksIP Solutions, Inc. services or any content thereon. This disclaimer applies, without limitation, to any damages or injury, whether for breach of contract, tort, or otherwise, caused by any failure of performance; error; omission; interruption; deletion; defect; delay in operation or transmission; computer virus; file corruption; communication-line failure; network or system outage; or theft, destruction, unauthorized access to, alteration of, or use of any record.

Web site Maintenance: general site maintenance is billed at the rate of $60.00 per hour. NetworksIP Solutions, Inc. offers web site maintenance plans on a monthly basis. Site maintenance is payable in full in advance of work performed or billed tri-monthly if subscribed in a maintenance plan.General site maintenance includes (but is not limited to) text updates, photo updates, image modification, content update and creation, site troubleshooting, link additions and customer fulfillment services.

NetworksIP Solutions, Inc. will communicate with one (1) assigned customer.

Due to the sub-standard quality and performance of America Online's browser, we do not design web sites to America Online browser specifications. We will do our best to ensure cross-browser compatibility, however, we are not responsible for the way our pages display over America Online's browser.

Due to the many different brands and types of printers on the market. We are not responsible for how your web pages print out using any printer

Privacy Policy

Internet Privacy Policy NetworksIP Solutions, Inc. respects the privacy of every individual who visits our websites. This privacy statement provides notice of the standards and terms under which NetworksIP Solutions protects the privacy of information supplied by visitors to sites on the World Wide Web that are owned and operated by NetworksIP Solutions, Inc., including This privacy statement provides notice of our information collection practices and of the ways in which your information may be used. This policy may change from time to time, so please check back periodically to review this information.

A. Personally-Identifiable Information:

NetworksIP Solutions typically receives specific data about its website visitors only when such information is provided voluntarily, such as when our visitors request information, purchase or enroll for services, open a customer support inquiry ticket, provide resume information for employment opportunities, or send us e-mail. Of course, some of these activities require that you give us information, such as when you make a purchase, use a credit card to pay for services, submit your resume, or request certain types of information. When you provide personally-identifiable information to NetworksIP Solutions through one of our websites, it will be used to fulfill your specific request. In most cases, you will be given the opportunity to select whether you do, or do not, want NetworksIP Solutions to use this information for additional purposes. You may also request that NetworksIP Solutions not use your information by sending an e-mail to, however, NetworksIP Solutions reserves the right, in its discretion, to send you bulletins and other important information about your NetworksIP Solutions services. Absent any instructions from you, NetworksIP Solutions may use information you provide to inform you about additional services and products offered by the NetworksIP Solutions family of companies, NetworksIP Solutions authorized agents, and other goods and services providers with whom NetworksIP Solutions has relationships and whose offerings might be of interest to you. NetworksIP Solutions will not, however, sell or trade your personally-identifiable information unless we are authorized or legally required to do so, or in the case of imminent physical harm to the visitor or others. On those NetworksIP Solutions sites where you may provide NetworksIP Solutions with credit card or other ordering information via the web, NetworksIP Solutions protects and secures this information by employing commercially customary web-based security and encryption protocols, examples of which include Secure Socket Layer (SSL) and Secure Electronic Transaction (SET). On those sites where you voluntarily offer any feedback, data, answers, questions, comments, suggestions, ideas or the like, NetworksIP Solutions will treat that portion of the information as non-confidential and nonproprietary and, except as otherwise expressed in this privacy statement, NetworksIP Solutions assumes no obligation to protect such information from disclosure.

B. Non Personally-Identifiable (Generic) Information:

In general, NetworksIP Solutions gathers some generic information automatically. Generic information does not reveal the identity of the visitor. It usually includes information about the Internet address assigned to your computer, the number and frequency of visitors, and the NetworksIP Solutions sites visited. NetworksIP Solutions gathers this information for the limited purpose of determining customer service and website needs. We accomplish this by using certain technologies, including "cookies" (a technology that can be used to provide the visitor with tailored information about NetworksIP Solutions services). NetworksIP Solutions does not combine information collected in this way with any personally-identifiable information. You can set your browser to notify you when you receive a cookie and you can refuse it.

C. Your NetworksIP Solutions hosted website, server, bulletin boards, forum, Third-Party Sites:

Information that you disclose in a public space, including on any bulletin board, chat room, or website NetworksIP Solutions may host for you as part of your NetworksIP Solutions services, is available to anyone else who visits that space. NetworksIP Solutions cannot safeguard any information you disclose in these locations. Additionally, NetworksIP Solutions websites contain links to sites that belong to third parties unrelated to NetworksIP Solutions. NetworksIP Solutions cannot protect any information you may disclose in these sites and recommends that you review the privacy policy statements of those sites you visit.

D. Exceptions and Limitations:

Notwithstanding the foregoing and in compliance with applicable laws, NetworksIP Solutions (i) cooperates fully with state, local, and federal officials in any investigation relating to any content (including personal or private electronic communications transmitted to NetworksIP Solutions) or purported unlawful activities of any user of the Service, and (ii) takes reasonable measures to protect its proprietary rights. For the limited purposes of accomplishing such cooperation and measures and in compliance with applicable laws, NetworksIP Solutions may be required to disclose personally identifiable information. In addition, NetworksIP Solutions may elect to monitor the areas of communication of any kind (i) to satisfy any law, regulation, or government request; (ii) if such disclosure is necessary or appropriate to operate NetworksIP Solutions; or (iii) to protect the rights or property of NetworksIP Solutions or others. In connection with the potential sale or transfer of any of its interest in, and other sites owned by the company, NetworksIP Solutions reserves the right to sell or transfer your information (including , but not limited to name, address information, and other information you provided to NetworksIP Solutions) to a third party that (i) concentrates its business in communication products or services; (ii) agrees to be NetworksIP Solutions's successor in interest with regard to the maintenance and protection of information collected and maintained by NetworksIP Solutions; and (iii) agrees to the obligations of this policy statement.




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